Such issues happen rarely, while sometimes we have to do such things. If you can access the Oracle Support website, please read below notes: How to Apply a Grid Infrastructure Patch Before root script...
The first prize of my girl in her new school
Last day my girl got her first prize in her new school! This was hard for her as she did not speak English well and also because the new school was totally different with the previous schools in Hongk...
ORA-12547 on SUSE12/SLES12
My friend told me his team installed Oracle on a new SLES12 system while could not create the database, even could not use the sqlplus. SLES is also a famous Linux distribution, so I thought ...
Changed domain name and enabled the BEGIN theme
I found a wonderful theme named 'Begin' and bought it directly, while one sad thing was that most of the settings were in Chinese. I am a Chinese while I hope almost all of my posts will be written in...
TNS-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
Several days ago I got this error when I wanted to start a Listener: TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/network/admin/listener.o...
Fix Office print issue with HP printer 6960
This issue had been existing for a long long time, and I had no idea about the reason. I just knew I could not print document in the Microsoft Office applications, so many times I had to save the doc ...
ORA-01180: can not create datafile 1
Last night I prepared one restore guide for a friend, and I found when I restored the full database, I always got below error: creating datafile file number=1 name=+DATA/ORATEST/datafile/system01.dbf ...
Compile my first Pro*C program — unloader from asktom
These days I needed to export some tables to CSV files, and usually I could finish such task using SQLcl, but this time the table is too big (more than 120G) so although I still could export it with S...
Was scared just now — extend the partition
Have to say, these days I should be more careful when I dealt with any problem. I have extended many partitions in the past, including the real environment or in my VMs. And I also know this is a very...
Could not create directory…WP upgrade failed
Just now I wanted to create a new post, and found there was a newer version of WP, and also there was a message said that the update automatically failed already, so need a manual update. Such thing n...