When I changed my domain name, I planed three subdomains for the future usage: www, blogs and wiki, while unfortunately at that time only the blogs.dbcloudsvc.com had some contents and in fact it was migrated from previous www.lunixdb.com.
Now I have installed the Mediawiki and the wiki.dbcloudsvc.com is online, so the first thing I want to do is about the permanent link, or short url in Mediawiki world.
Need the following two steps:
- Update the file LocalSettings.php
[root@www wiki]# diff LocalSettings.php* 29,30d28 < $wgArticlePath = "/$1"; < $wgUsePathInfo = true; [root@www wiki]# ls LocalSettings.php* LocalSettings.php LocalSettings.php.bak
- Add the rewrite rule for Mediawiki in the nginx configuration file
# MediaWiki Rewrite if ($host = wiki.dbcloudsvc.com) { set $nrw W; } if (!-e $request_filename) { set $nrw "${nrw}Y"; } if ($nrw = WY) { rewrite ^/([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))? /index.php?title=$1&$2 last; }
For me, www and wiki subdomains share the same configuration file, so I have to check which one is accessed.
And I began to write my first installation page on the wiki.