My nephew installed Battlefield 1 on his laptop while he always got 'oxc000007b' error when he launched it. Usually I would like not to deal with personal Windows machines as a variety of software cou...
Change MBR to GPT/UEFI boot without re-installation
I got big trouble when I tried to deploy the Exadata test environment on my laptop and I found one possible solution maybe was to enable the UEFI boot mode. When I installed Win10 on my laptop, it cre...
Allow access to shared folder anonymously on Windows 10
These days we tried to mount a shared folder on RHEL5 but always got below error: [root@olinux511 /]# mount -t cifs -v -o guest,ro // /tmp/test mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=/...
Fix Office print issue with HP printer 6960
This issue had been existing for a long long time, and I had no idea about the reason. I just knew I could not print document in the Microsoft Office applications, so many times I had to save the doc ...