Sometimes, when I installed the Oracle GI and run the asmca, I could create volume and acfs easily, while I never know the background of such things. This time, I need to create a shared cluster files...
Could not boot after kernel upgrade
I got this issue last afternoon and fixed it this noon, so maybe it could help others. Some people prefer to install the RHEL on their servers while do not want to purchase the service, so to get upda...
Dual boot with UEFI boot mode and grub2
Several days ago I installed a Ubuntu 18.10 on a machine already installed a Windows 10. At the beginning I thought such task could be finished easily in half hour, and I installed it smoothly until I...
The difference between ‘&&’ and ‘-a’
These days I am reading the book 'Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide' and I got confused about '&&' and '-a'. The related part was here: [ 1 -eq 1 ] && [ -n "`echo true 1>&2`" ] # tr...
‘lsnrctl status’ could not display the status of running listener correctly
My friend got this issue and wanted to know the reason, so I built a test VM to verify it. The dbss scirpt was used to start their instances and he found if he run 'dbss start' then he could get the c...
ORA-12547 and sysctl -p
This night I installed an Oracle 12c database on SLES12SP3 to test the dbss script on SLES system and found it worked well until I rebooted the server. After the reboot, I found the database was not o...
Systemd service was terminated abnormally during reboot
To start/stop all the instances on a server, I created a script named dbss (database start/stop) and it worked well on AIX, RHEL5/6 and SLES11, while I found it could not work on RHEL7/SLES12 with sys...
du: option requires an argument — ‘X’
Several days ago I encountered this little issue and I found it was very interesting. :) I got a capacity issue and when I run 'du -sh *' I got error message similar with below: root@debian:/tmp# du -...
How to create udev rules of storage devices for ASM usage
When I install the Grid Infrastructure(GI), usually I need to configure the udev rule for the storage devices to get a persistent device names and set the right owner, group and permissions on them fo...
Some strange behaviours of parted
Last night when I made partitions of one large 3T flash disk, I got some issues with the parted command. The flash disk would be used as an Oracle ASM disk, so I preferred to split it to two partition...