Diet diary: The first

Today I decided to lose weight. I have begun the brisk walk over half month, while I have to admit the effect is not satisfying, even my weight increased a few. Today I got some advice from a coach in...

Some changes to this website

From the first deployment, I have not modified anything over half year. Today I found when I opened the website, the homepage did appear slowly, and I was waiting for Google fonts. Another issue cause...

Say thanks to HostKvm!

For unknown reason, my VPS was shutdown for over one day. At first I thought it's a temporary network issue, so did not take it seriously. While today I still could not access my website, so I opened ...

So lazy I am!

Cannot image I have not written anything for such a long time! These days my primary task, almost the only task, is to pass the IELTS exam. Although I have got big improvement, now I can pass the List...

A big shock!

This morning I got a big shock when I took my baby to the Shenzhen Bay Custom! It rained today, so I could not ride the bicycle as normal, and had to by taxi. There were always crowded at that time, s...

IELTS on 20150110

I don't remember how many times I have taken the IELTS test, but always get the failed result, maybe including this time. My oral part always gets the lowest mark, from 4.5 to 5.5, and I believe the p...

Very bad cough

These days I was in trouble with a very bad cough, and have to say I have not got such bad cough for several years. I almost can not stop coughing every several minutes, and what I want to do is sleep...

Baidu and Google

My first post appeared on Dec 12, now Google seems already found my website, and able to find most of the posts. I don't know how Google finish this task, but have to say I'm surprised. About Baidu, i...


If you don't know what you real need is, you'll lost. I want to upgrade my phone to new model, while do not know which type I should buy. Usually I'll select the cheapest one, but this time I can not ...