I have used CentOS for years and now I have to consider to master Ubuntu. Most commands could be found on both OS and they do share lots of concepts, while there are some differences and even I cannot...
Fix the oxc000007b error on windows 10
My nephew installed Battlefield 1 on his laptop while he always got 'oxc000007b' error when he launched it. Usually I would like not to deal with personal Windows machines as a variety of software cou...
Print spooler failed to start with error 0x800706b9
Could not believe it took me more than 3 hours to just install a printer! Just now helped one relative to install HP printer on Sureface and always failed. At the beginning the driver could not be ins...
IPv6 in DSM worked finally
For a long long time, I could not make the IPv6 in the DSM to work. I tried and did a lot of tests to resolve this issue but all of them failed. I did feel frustrated especially I had been upgraded th...
Have to disable Crayon Syntax Highlighter
In my view, Crayon Syntax Highlighter is the best Syntax Highlighter plugin and I installed it from the beginning when I deployed my first WordPress website. While now it is not updated for a long tim...
之所以说是“傻了吧唧的入局”,是因为最开始签订合同的时候我一直觉得不靠谱,只是当时老婆有点急于求成,我虽不赞同,也抱着万一成功的侥幸,实在不成,就当十万打了水漂吧。 当然,现在我知道,我那个时候应该坚决的反对,宁可双方冷战一段时间,也要阻止这个事情。如果当时这样做了,后面就完全没有这么多麻烦了,麻烦的不单单是投入的时间精力白费,还有白白错过了时间,也让自己的家庭面临的选择越来越少,以至于今天,我不...
Waiting for new Student Visa
My current Open Work Visa will be expired soon and we could not back to China in a short period, so I have to apply for a Student Visa to begin my study in Master of Information Technology, then my wi...
今天实在受不了领世SVISA不断的拖延,我直截了当的和他们说既然大家都认为自己有道理,那我们就让法律来判断吧。 确实没想到,竟然自己也有一天会准备上法庭来处理些事情,也许这就是人生吧。 现在不能回国,只能找着律师做一些准备工作,起诉啥的,估计进度会比较慢,反正我也无所谓了,做好了打持久战的准备,即使一分钱都要不回来,我还是要打这个官司。如果法律认为错误在我,那说明我确实错了,该当受到惩罚。 同时在...
Fixed the issue that Catalina could not install further update
My MBP was upgraded to Catalina 10.15 several months ago and I almost did not encounter any issue until I found the further update 10.15.1. Following the instruction I downloaded the update and reboot...
Moved site to Aliyun International
HostKVM is a great VPS provider and I got almost perfect service from it! Every time I got any issue, I would ask help from them and got resolved really soon. And for this reason I did not move out fo...